


The original intention of making shavings is that the shape of chocolate should be diverse, and White Xtar® wants to provide users with more choices.

Chocolate shavings are formed by tempering, pouring, cooling and shaping chocolate/cocoa mass. White dwarf chocolate shavings use high-quality natural cocoa beans that can be traced back to the place of origin, and use finer roasting and a formula without artificial additives to maximize the flavor charm of cocoa itself. Wood shavings are often used to garnish drinks, but white dwarf shavings can also be brewed directly.

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COPYRIGHT © 2024 WHITEXTAR INC. All rights reserved.

COPYRIGHT © 2024 WHITEXTAR INC. All rights reserved.

COPYRIGHT © 2024 WHITEXTAR INC. All rights reserved.

COPYRIGHT © 2024 WHITEXTAR INC. All rights reserved.