

Specifications: 15g sticks, 1kg chocolate bricks


白矮星®是国内首家具有Bean To Bar巧克力生产能力的工厂,所制作的巧克力就是Bean-to-Bar工艺下的产物。从选豆开始,手工逐级挑选,剔除瑕疵,瑕疵豆含量低于1%,破碎脱壳后经过二次挑选,保证可可壳的彻底脱除。为了保证烘焙完全,每一批都进行分批定制烘焙曲线,经历粗磨精磨,直至细腻丝滑,深层精炼,精准调温,风味发展成熟,圆润层次感增加。

它完全天然,每一颗可可豆都能追溯产地,制作过程无食品添加剂、无代可可脂或是香料等, 配料洁净,极致呈现可可豆原本的风土滋味。

There are many definitions of fine chocolate. It is generally believed that high-quality, fine-quality cocoa beans with their own flavor are processed into chocolate without using any additives in the process. Chocolate craftsmen try their best to bring out the natural flavor of cocoa beans themselves. Bean-to-Bar is a chocolate craft that stands for refined living, which usually means better ingredients and more careful production. Different from commercial chocolate, chocolatiers start from the screening of raw cocoa beans, and go through warm and interesting processes such as baking, grinding, and tempering to produce better chocolate.

White Xtar® is the first domestic factory with Bean To Bar chocolate production capacity, and the chocolate it makes is the product of the Bean-to-Bar process. Starting from the selection of beans, they are manually selected step by step to remove defects. The content of defective beans is less than 1%. After crushing and shelling, they undergo secondary selection to ensure the complete removal of cocoa shells. In order to ensure complete roasting, each batch is customized with a roasting curve in batches, and undergoes coarse grinding and fine grinding until it is fine and silky, deep refining, precise temperature adjustment, mature flavor development, and increased mellow layering.

It is completely natural, and each cocoa bean can be traced back to the place of origin. There are no food additives, cocoa butter substitutes or spices in the production process.

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COPYRIGHT © 2024 WHITEXTAR INC. All rights reserved.

COPYRIGHT © 2024 WHITEXTAR INC. All rights reserved.

COPYRIGHT © 2024 WHITEXTAR INC. All rights reserved.

COPYRIGHT © 2024 WHITEXTAR INC. All rights reserved.