


Go deeper into the origin,

just to find the coffee beans with the best flavor.




Goats ate coffee cherries, and humans searched for the origin of coffee. This natural fruit unknowingly changed people's views on reality. Different planting environments, altitudes, and climate differences allow the coffee cherries to form themselves, and the flavor is full of the origins of Ethiopia, Rwanda, Colombia, and Costa Rica. What White Dwarf® has been looking for is precisely these distinctive coffee berries, which are derived into different forms and appear in everyone's life.

Of all the coffee producing areas, Ethiopia is by no means overlooked. The unique floral and fruity aroma and high cost performance have made Ethiopian beans famous all over the world. Dave, a bean hunter, went to Ethiopia this year and traveled a long distance with a small jar. He drank his first cup of coffee in the small town of Yirgacheffe, at the best local coffee shop.

During half a month in Ethiopia, Dave selected, sifted, baked, tested and tasted beans with the locals. It was serious to appreciate the scenery along the way, and it was even more serious to choose the most authentic raw materials for White Xtar® . 

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COPYRIGHT © 2024 WHITEXTAR INC. All rights reserved.

COPYRIGHT © 2024 WHITEXTAR INC. All rights reserved.

COPYRIGHT © 2024 WHITEXTAR INC. All rights reserved.

COPYRIGHT © 2024 WHITEXTAR INC. All rights reserved.